What is your Date of birth ? :
Gender ? :
What is your Age Group ? :
Under 35Under 4546-5555-6060+
Investment Goal ? :
capital appreciationregular incomecapital appreciation and regular income
Proposed Investment amount ? :
500001 Lac1-2 Lacs2-5 lacs5 Lacs
Preferred Investment type ? :
short time positionallong termintraday
Gross annual income details ? :
below 1 lac1-5 lacs5-10 lacs10-25 lacs25 lacs
Market Value of portfolio held? :
1 lacs1-2 lacs2-5 lacs5 lacs
Experience in market products ? :
extensivemoderatelessvery lessno experience
Client Signature (Only jpg,png,jpeg Format File):
Investment Experience ? :
3 years3-5 years6-10 years10 years
Primary Source ? :
Secondary Source ? :
Occupation ? :
private sector servicepublic sectorbusinessgovernment sectorprofessionalagriculturistretiredhousewifeother
How many dependents do you financially support ? :
nonebetween 1-34+
What is size of emergency funds ? :
do not have1 month income1-3 months income3-6 months income6 months income
What is your experience with equity investments ?:
Extensive experiencemoderate experiencevery lessno experience
What is your experience with Commodity investments ?:
Extensive experiencemoderate experiencevery lessno experience
What is your experience with investments in past ?:
very goodgoodmoderatebadvery bad
Risk Tolerate ? :
When market is not performing well do you prefer to buy risky investments and sell less risky investments ?:
strongly preferpreferindifferentdo not preferstrongly do not prefer
What is your preference w.r.t securities with low risk, low return over high risk,high return ?:
strongly preferpreferindifferentdo not preferstrongly do not prefer
What percentage of monthly income is allocated to pay off debt ?:
nonebetween 0-20%between 20-35%between 35-50%50%
Please Selects, if applicable, for any of your authorized signatories/ Promoters/ Partners/ Karta/ Trustees/ whole time directors
Authorised Signature (Only jpg,png,jpeg Format File):